First, a quick update on my 2010 Pull up Challenge. We got back in the gym and into the routine on Monday and after today's work, I tallied 150 pull up reps for the week; 1860 to go for this early 2010 experiment. Pull ups were incorporated into either warm up/skill work or as a component of our regular WOD on Monday, Tuesday and Saturday. Kipping on Monday in a short metcon and 10 rounds of 5x strict, thick bar pull ups between sprints on the Georgetown Exorcist Stairs on Tuesday.
The highlight of the week however was my experimentation with freestyle pull ups on Saturday. Holy crap!!! This is really hard stuff, but oh so cool. I love the creativity, freedom to experiment and "anything goes" attitude. Isometric holds, ab work, strict pulling, negatives,etc. The variety of movements, holds and the awesome upper body and core work as a result is incredible.
I have viewed quite a few demos of freestyle pull ups, but none more impressive than the one I have included here of Crystal West, age 44. I found this while viewing some CrossFit affiliate blogs and became instantly inspired; unbelievable strength and flexibility.
I have publicly stated that I am looking especially hard this year to seek out new pull up variety and challenge With just one week down, we are off to a terrific start and have a feeling it's going to get even better.
like the freestyle stuff... check this out