We all know the formula by now; no sugar, lots of protein, whole grains sparingly, etc. A diet devoid of SWEETS is the "right": thing to do, or is it?
A weekend excursion to Hershey PA to reward the kids for a series of goals achieved (Honor roll grades, soccer championships,certain number of books completed)was in the cards for our family. While so much of this annual adventure has become routine & familiar (an obligation/tradition if you will), about mid-way through the weekend, my mind had finally arrived along with my body.
It's the choice of just going through the motions or really committing to something mentally and embracing the moment. Every one's daily lives (small business owners, students, professionals, personal trainers and the like)often consume us. Obligations to people, institutions, expectations and even principle and can force us into a robotic existence that may challenge us in the physical sense, but misfires in the attempt to ignite the mind.
Whether its how we approach relationships or how we approach each morning when we start the day, it's about being "present". Just getting in the gym might result in some physical movement, sweating, calories burned and some muscle growth, but without being "present", the real sustainable gains won't be realized. The trick is to get engaged and let go to a degree. We get so hung up in our daily routines, our rules, habits, etc., sometimes you just need to roll with it and simply appreciate the fact that you can.
The epiphany that finally hit me; being with the family physically would probably get me by, but "being" there with them would be far more fulfilling. So, I did the coasters, some water rides, dropped a bunch of dollars trying to win some silly prizes and YES, I bagged the diet rules and indulged in some Hershey's treats too. Not to say I wasn't looking for a pull up worthy aparatus as I was standing in lines, but the moment never arrived.
Stopping to smell the roses and just enjoy..............or the chocolate in this case was the work out of choice this weekend. SWEET!
you take home any indulgences with you?