Body Weight training has and always will be at center of any well rounded and serious strength training program. As you know, at Steelfit, we fanatically sing the praises of our favorite BW variety; the pull up.
Everyone should be able to remember those days in school when your gym teachers made you do push-ups, pull ups, sit-ups and climb ropes? It went a step further on those dreaded Presidential Physical Fitness Tests, which required you to run different distances for time? It was the 600 yard dash in my day. In fact, my boys just came home from school this week with pride on their times from the "mile" run that they use today for testing. But what happened to the rest of that old school training?
By no means is this my first collection of thoughts on the merits of body weight training. When compared to modern day gym training there is no question in my mind that it is an extremely effective and proven way to build real, functional and supreme strength. In fact, the argument has been made that dumbbells, barbells and all weight machines are nothing more then modern day obstacles. While free weights and machines can make you stronger and add mass, they often target single muscles rather than movement; using only one joint as the resistance is moved away from or toward the body using freely movable limbs.
By comparison, most body-weight training exercises use multiple joints as the resistance is moved away from or toward an anchored body part. The result is a series of exercises that are more functional and result in better muscle activation and strength performance. You end up looking better, feeling better and performing better on and off the athletic field.
For me, its also the simplicity. Body Weight training is portable and requires less motivation since its available everywhere your body is. This week was a rough one overall at the day job. Time was at a real premium, but I desperately needed to get real work done. With my need to keep it quick and simple, Body Weight work ruled favorite of the week was the following 30 minute routine:
30 Rounds, on the minute:
5 Pull ups
10 Push Ups
15 Squats
I was able to maintain a pace of about 35 to 38 seconds for all of the sets, but was really gassed and fatigued for the last ten. My butt and quads were ridiculous for three days following;taking me a bit by surprise.
As I have chronicled in the past, BW work won't ever be exclusive for personally. It's a nice balance between, cardio work, body weight exercises and functional weight training that makes the most sense for me.
This past week however was about keeping it simple.......pulling, pushing and squatting in this case!
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